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A Quick Look at Impredicativity (Simon Peyton Jones)
A Quick Look at Impredicativity (ICFP 2020)
Simon Peyton Jones on algorithmic complexity
Simon Peyton Jones - TrieMap that match: a programming pearl
Simon Peyton Jones interview
Classes, Jim, but not as we know them - Simon Peyton Jones
Ask Me Anything with Simon Peyton Jones, hosted by Benjamin Pierce
OCTO Speaker Series #3 Simon Peyton Jones
Simon Peyton Jones - Adventures with types
Into the Core Squeezing Haskell into nine Constructors - Simon Peyton Jones | ZuriHac 2022
Keynote Simon Peyton Jones - How does Artificial Intelligence really work
Excel Meets Lambda - Prof Simon Peyton Jones & Prof. Andy Gordon - The Archimedeans × UCCPS